Spiritual Journeys
"Why am I here?"
It's an age old question and one that many of us contemplate often.
If you are on a journey of spiritual discovery as am I then this question has most certainly been on the tip of your tongue or at least at the forefront of your mind.
I remember first asking this question of my Mum when I was a teenager, why are we here? why is there so much suffering in the world? how can you just go about your life while there are children starving in the world and the environment being destroyed all around us?
I honestly don't recall her answer, no doubt these were questions that she had no real answer for but it did start me searching.
I was fascinated with all things paranormal as a young girl and liked to read stories about people like Edgar Cayce and watch programs about Aliens or Big Foot or the Loch Ness monster. I eventually came to the conclusion that most of the sightings of such things were either a hoax or a misunderstanding.
It wasn't until I had my own paranormal experience that I was convinced that ghosts were real and that there was much more going on that what our eyes can see.
I was about 18 or 19 at the time and was staying with my sister at a motel in Mt Gambier, we were there for my cousins 21st birthday. We were both asleep when something prompted me to wake up, it was about 4 in the morning. I opened my eyes and was facing my sisters bed, the strange thing was that there was a lady sitting on the bed beside her just watching her sleep. My first thought was that nobody besides the owners of the motel would have a key to come into the room so it must be one of them, maybe they get their kicks by watching the guests sleep? I was frozen with fear not knowing what to do next. I blinked a few times to make sure I was awake and what I was seeing was real and then realised that I could see through her to the wall behind. She must've realised that I could see her then as she looked over towards me and I absolutely lost it, I pulled the blanket over my head and started yelling for my sister to wake up. She woke up and wanted to know what was going on, I took the blankets off my head and saw that the apparition was gone. I explained what I had seen and we both could see that in the spot where this lady had been sitting there was a indentation in the blankets. Needless to say I didn't get anymore sleep that day and we checked out of the motel and stayed at my Aunties house the following night. This incident really scared me as I was confronted by something I just didn't understand. I later visited a psychic who explained that it was most likely a guardian of some sort looking out for my sister but still the fear was there. I spent probably the next 6 months sleeping with the lights on and even when driving my car kept the interior light on for fear that I would look in my rear view mirror and see someone sitting in the back seat looking back at me. I've had other experiences since then in various houses that I have lived in, one house in particular in which we stupidly fooled around with a Ouji board (I don't recommend doing that, inevitably entities that communicate in this way are lower vibrational and possibly malicious).
Since those days I got married, had kids, got divorced and had to focus more on the material world (work, school, paying bills and raising my boys) I stepped back from those nagging questions of "why am I here?" although these questions were still there and I most certainly have always considered myself a spiritual seeker and not just someone running on autopilot, endlessly consuming without question.
Over the past 8 or 9 years I have been more active in my spiritual journeying. I have learned Reiki, I meditate regularly, read a lot of personal development and alternative therapies books and I have sought out spiritual healings with a variety of different practitioners. Finally and completely by "accident" (we all know there are no real accidents) I found a wonderful couple in Melbourne (Yogini and Kusumah) who are very knowledgeable and have spent most of their lives following a spiritual path. It's through them that I met my Guru Sejati (True Teacher) and after almost 3 years of following and practicing his teachings it's now my time to travel back to Bali for an intensive couple of weeks with him. We will be traveling to Java together to receive my final blessing and certificate before I immerse myself in learning his spiritual lessons and healing techniques so that I can bring this knowledge back to you. It's my intention to record some videos along the way so that I can share my experiences with you (if possible). I'm nervous, excited and a little apprehensive as I'm not quite sure what to expect (all I know is we will trek a mountain together so that we can do a ritual at the top for the blessing and certificate and we will possibly visit some sacred places in Java).
I'm very much a homebody and am not comfortable with crowds so in doing this I will be stepping out of my physical comfort zone in a very big way; but what I'm most apprehensive about where this next step will take me. At the moment I'm fairly comfortable with where I am in life but being comfortable is a slow form of suicide, nobody ever acheived greatness by being comfortable. This is something I have been striving towards for a very long time and it's now time to take a giant leap of faith and trust that the Universe or God or the Nature has brought me to the right place for my spiritual growth.
What some people don't realise is that spiritual growth is not all rainbows and butterfly's, it is quite often scary, difficult and uncomfortable. It is in the times when we confront our own inner demons, our negative thoughts and limited perceptions that we crack open. It's about peeling back the layers of conditioning and protection that we build around ourselves and exposing our vulnerability. This is something one should only undertake with a trusted guide and teacher who is genuine in their approach and has the integrity and knowledge to guide you gently through to the other side.
I can't wait to share my journey and new knowledge with you on my return.
If you would like to have a session with me when I return this particular spiritual healing that I will be learning is something I will most likely incorporate into my massage treatments. I am still running my 3 for 2 special until the end of March so grab yourself a voucher while it's still available and schedule yourself an appointment with me in mid April - click here.
Until then keep asking the important questions.