Bali and my Spiritual Guru

How exciting to finally get back to Bali again and this time staying by invitation at my Guru's house. I'd been looking forward to this trip for so long, alas the Universe would decide when the timing was right and I had to just sit and wait patiently for all of the pieces to fall into place first.
I arrived at the home compound in a little village about an hour's drive from the airport quite late in the evening (after 11pm) my teacher was resting but woke up to greet me and welcome me to his home. After a little bit of chit chat he could see I was getting very tired (3 hours time difference so it was around 3.30 am my time) he showed me to my simple but comfortable room and I went to sleep.
I woke up early the next morning to the magical sound of balinese roosters crowing and rustling around outside looking for breakfast.
Ibu offered me a cup of Bali kopi and some crackers to tide me over until breakfast was ready. It was already pretty hot inside so I enjoyed my cuppa sitting out the front on the doorstep looking at my shadow self and contemplating what the week would bring.

While Ibu was busy in the kitchen I freshened up with a mandi (shower) very refreshing - no running hot water here just a bucket of cold water and a cup for pouring over your head :)
My teacher and I enjoyed breakfast together with lots of polite smiling and gesturing and attempted conversation in my broken Bahasa Indonesia and his broken English. Breakfast was a delicious selection of onion omelette, tofu and chicken curry, greens (not sure what but they were yum), fried veggie patties and rice of course. I have no idea how Ibu Yuni managed to whip all of this up in her simple kitchen in next to no time but I'd love to learn.

There's a lot of conserving your energy during the hottest part of the day here, which means napping or reading and just plain old hanging around and talking. After breakfast one of the other students (my teachers right hand man) came over, his english is quite good he's been to Australia a few times and is married to my friend an Australian woman. His help with me understanding the teachings and being able to converse with my teacher has been invaluable.
I was really keen to go down to the meditation spot by the river but as a guest and although I've been considered a student for a while now I hadn't actually spent time here so was not quite sure of the correct protocol, I just had to wait until I was invited along.
After lunch my teacher took me down to his meditation place, as I descended the stairway I felt the powerful energy of the place wash over me. The hair on my head stood on end and it felt like the top of my head popped right open, it almost felt like I had vertigo. It was very hot (middle of the day and full sun) so we went below right near the river where it was cooler and the energy was not quite so "heady" we had a little discussion about "The Nature" or "The Material World" and "The Spiritual World". I think he was really taking his time to evaluate where I was at and gauge what I was ready to learn.

As this long awaited trip to visit my Guru was quite a personal spiritual experience some of which I find hard to describe without sounding like a complete nut (believe me there's some things that can't be rationally explained when it comes to Bali) I would like to keep some of the more initimate details to myself. I will say that I had many profound healings and the removal of some psychic attack from a past lover, learned some new meditations and energy building practices, had some powerful awakenings and received some empowerments to enhance my healings for my clients.
The next step in my journey as a student and healer is to do ritual with my Guru which basically involves me traveling with him and some of the other students to a mountain in Java climbing the mountain with everyone and staying at the top overnight to receive the full healing empowerments.
Again when the time is right it will all fall into place, this is not a thing that you can make happen the Universe will know when I am ready and then as I said it will simply happen without the grasping, pushing or forcing.
Until then I continue my practice and focusing on my growth.